Return Policy provides buyers with the options of exchange, replacement, and refund. The policies for product returns can vary from one category or product to another. The general return/exchange/refund policy may not be applicable to specific products or product pages, and in such cases, the return/exchange/refund policy displayed on the product or product page will be applicable. It is advised that you read and understand the terms and conditions of the respective product’s return/exchange/refund policy to avoid any conflicts or disputes after purchasing a product.

The period for product returns starts from the date of actual sale. The return period, which is set as 07 days by, excludes days required for product packing, shipment/dispatch, and package transportation. Therefore, the buyer has a minimum of 07 effective days for returning, replacing, or exchanging products, starting from the date of delivery by OnMartIndia’s delivery partner, courier partner, or third-party shipping company.

The buyer should also understand that the return policy might differ from one product category to another. It is advised to carefully read and understand the return policy before buying a product from a specific category. We recommend referring to the return/replacement policy for the product you are interested in on the product listing page for any additional information not covered in the general policy.

The return policy is divided into three parts:

  1. Return Period
  2. Possible Actions
  3. Conditions (if any)

Read all sections carefully to understand the conditions and cases under which returns will be accepted.

Note: Before raising a request for return, ensure that:

  • You have not altered, modified, damaged, or misplaced any part of the package or its contents.
  • You provide all essential information related to the product/order and do not hide any information, either intentionally or unintentionally.
  • You agree that will process refunds as per the applicable policy(s) for product refunds.
  • You agree that’s decision regarding return request approval or rejection will be binding for all parties involved in the sale and purchase through this website.

Although buyers can raise product return/replacement/exchange/refund requests across categories, may or may not act upon such requests depending on the applicable product return policy. Therefore, buyers are advised to carefully read the return policy on to protect their rights.

Refund Policy

Your refund will initiate within the following number of days (excluding weekends and holidays). We will refund your money via bank transfer, UPI (we will ask for the UPI-linked phone number/UPI ID along with the UPI-linked complete name as required), NEFT, credit/debit card, or the original payment method.

Refund timelines are as follows:

  • Net Banking: 5-7 Business Days
  • Debit Card: 7-9 Business Days
  • Credit Card: 10-15 Business Days

Please note that financial entities/banks may sometimes take longer to process transfers, and your patience and support will be appreciated during such times. If you do not receive your refund within the given period, please contact the respective financial entity (not

The refund process will initiate once we receive the product returned by you in perfectly good condition. In the case of refunds, the entire amount paid by you will be transferred to your account. If is unable to initiate/pick up the shipment for a product a buyer intends to return, the buyer is required to ship the product/package on their own through postal or courier service. However, we assure you that you will be reimbursed for the shipping charges (up to an admissible monetary limit) against the original receipt incurred by the buyer.

Replacement Policy

If a buyer seeks the replacement of already bought products, a replacement will be issued only if the desired replacement product is in stock. If the product for which a replacement is sought is not available in stock, we will refund your full money, in line with’s refund policy. If you do not receive the replacement within the promised time, contact us immediately. The replacement will be available under the following conditions only:

  • The company ( shipped the wrong product or size.
  • The product is defective or not working properly.

Before placing an order, please read more information mentioned in the Frequently Asked Questions on our website.

Cancellation Policy allows for the cancellation of orders under certain conditions. The cancellation policy is as follows:

  • Orders can be canceled before they are shipped. Once an order is shipped, it cannot be canceled and the return policy will apply.
  • To cancel an order, contact our customer service team as soon as possible with your order details.
  • If the order is successfully canceled before shipment, the entire amount will be refunded to your original payment method within the standard refund timelines (Net Banking: 5-7 Business Days, Debit Card: 7-9 Business Days, Credit Card: 10-15 Business Days).


  • If the order has already been shipped, you may need to wait for it to be delivered and then initiate a return request.
  • reserves the right to cancel orders in case of any fraudulent activity or any unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, a full refund will be processed.

Please ensure you review all policies before making a purchase to avoid any misunderstandings. If you have any questions, our customer service team is here to assist you.